Over 1 year later..


Still working away at my comic.  I have been busy with that and with life, that I realized I had neglected this website.

I have done a lot in the past year.  I started a podcast, which lasted for a few months before I ran out of things to talk about.  I also have upgraded my workstation, as my trusted Mac Pro for 10 years had finally moved on to the digital afterlife.  I replaced it with a 9 year old model, which is working great so far, and I also got a new graphic tablet as well.

At any rate, here are some simple character designs from the comic.  Looking at these, it is encouraging to see the progression from when I first picked up the pencil again.  More to come!

So I am going to attempt to do the website thing again.  Three months ago, I had something major happen in my personal life that caused me to re-evaluate my life from a creative standpoint.

I have been lying to myself for a very long time.  I  stopped drawing, painting, and doing anything creative for the most part for many years.  I thought I was happy.  I was in a committed relationship, I went to work, I came home to her, and I thought life was good.  But it turned out, that was all a lie.

From the sounds of this, it sounds like I am sad..but on the contrary, picking up the pencil (well, ok, stylus), has actually felt pretty good.  It has felt like reunited with an old friend almost.  While I am frustrated that the muscle memory needs to be fully restored, it does feel pretty good to jump back into things.

I have decided, despite the fact that I despise the whole “New Years resolution” thing, I am going to do that this year.  A month ago, I was seriously considering committing suicide.  Now I am going to commit figurative suicide on 12/31 at 11:59 pm.  I am going to kill who I was this past year and walk out a new man in this new year.

I’ve considered challenging myself to do a webcomic.  I have a story already, I’ve had a story written since 2001.  I keep changing it, and I keep putting it away…I think it’s time to do it.
